Sunday, 31 January 2016

Day 31 The Church of KD

When I was growing up I used to spend many of my Sunday afternoons with my best friend, Carma. When we were at her house we always had Kraft Dinner. My mom didn't usually buy Kraft Dinner. Now like her, I rarely buy it. Now and then I do though. Today was a total throw back to my youth!

Saturday, 30 January 2016

Day 30 Grandma's Pencil Cases!

My poor math class has not had pencil cases. The other cases got some that had been made out of duct tape. I thought they were very cool..but they ran out of duct tape before they got to our class. These ones, however, are going to rock!! I am really excited about them. Thank you Grandma!! These are going to last way longer. I intend to use them for years.

I often spend a little time at school on Saturdays. I seem to need that time to clean up the past week and really get ready for the next week. I did that today too. I love being there, actually!

Friday, 29 January 2016

Day 29 Mending

Doing a little mending for a friend today. Her dog chewed up the ruffle in this blanket. It is one from when she was a baby. Bad dog! 

Happy to help her though!

Thursday, 28 January 2016

Day 28 Parent Teacher Interviews

These days are always really long ones!! Teaching all day and then starting interviews right after school until 9:00 pm is totally exhausting for me. I woke up this morning thinking about how tired I'd be that evening.  Silly thoughts, I know...but that's the honest truth!

In the end, I'm always grateful at the end of the day for the experience. I love these kids!

This is a gift one of my student's gave me tonight. His mom is super crafty. So cute!

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Day 27 Meetings Meetings Meetings

I still have my ward calling. Last night I had a meeting with the RS activity committee. Tonight I had a stake meeting to go to. Tomorrow there is a ward RS presidency meeting (I have to miss that one because instead I'm going to be doing parent/teacher interviews all evening). Then Saturday we're having a stake RS presidency meeting. That's a lot of RS for one week!!

I was really tossed about the meeting tonight. It is book club tonight. I really love going to book club. I didn't commit myself until today. In the end, I gave up going to book club and did my duty. It was a spirit filled meeting, so it was a good choice in the end.

I thought about taking a picture of the crowd at my meeting tonight when I played the piano. Seemed like not a good idea.  This is all I got.

On the way, I consoled myself about missing book club by stopping at Chapters and picking up the books for the next two months. Nothing warms my heart like a new book or two!

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Day 26 Soldiers on Parade

In my class, we have been reading a great story called The Cat Who Became a Poet.

This summary is from here

This tale features an ordinary cat who captures and eats a poetry-composing mouse. Upon awakening from his next nap, the cat discovers to his annoyance that he has now become a poet, and nothing in his world looks the same. He sees pictures in his head and the world has become a mixture of real and dreams. He consults the local witch for help. When she hears him speak in poems, she declares it is too late. "The poetry has got in to your blood and you're stuck with it for the rest of your life," she says. The cat is discouragedBut shortly thereafter, the dog Max chases him up a tree. The cat wants to hiss and spit at him, but out of his mouth comes a poem instead. He figuratively refers to the dog firing his cannon (barking) with his white soldiers on parade (teeth!). The dog is quite enamored with this poetic and colorful portrayal of himself and offers to leave the cat in piece if he can only come and hear his poem sometimes. The cat is amazed that the dog found the poem complementary (he meant it to insult!) and realizes, "Poetry is tricky stuff and can be taken two ways!" Perhaps being a poetic cat isn't so bad after all!

My students have really enjoyed the poetry units we have done and so they enjoyed the poetry aspects of this story. It is so fun to discuss and dig for meaning in poetry with them.

Tonight I came across this dog in a vehicle. He was barking and barking and barking. I think he's friends with our neighbor's dogs.

This dog reminded me of our discussions today. This poem, from the story, is dedicated to all those barking dogs out there:

Colonel Dog fires his cannon
And puts his white soldiers on parade.
He guards the house from cats, burglars
And any threat of peacefulness.

Monday, 25 January 2016

Day 25 Stake Relief Society

A few weeks ago we got a call from President Maher from our new stake. At his request, we went and visited with him. He asked me to serve in the stake Relief Society presidency. It seems like a strange calling for me, I have never served in a stake calling, and I have this perception of people who have stake callings that they are wise and serious and unattached. That isn't me!! I am willing to try new things now I am the second counsellor in the stake Relief Society presidency. My blessing when I was set apart was beautiful and I'm clinging to those blessings. The nice thing is that every time I've gone to a stake meeting it has been very purposeful and I have felt really good about everything. I have that good warm feeling inside!

Confession: I didn't take this picture today. It is from our ward's RS anniv party last year. I forgot to take a picture today, so this will have to do!

Day 24 Danger!

I didn't take this picture. I "borrowed" it from Twitter.

We had an interesting night on Sunday evening.  I asked my Peirce to go out and shovel the walk. He came in after about 10 minutes and told me that the police said he had to come inside. I was like, "Get back out there what are you talking about?!"

He was really adamant though. He said that the police helicopter was flying around and telling people to get inside over the loudspeaker. We checked Twitter, and sure enough there was a event happening in the community next to us. This was the CPS tweet:

 What a crazy world!

Saturday, 23 January 2016

Day 23 Growing Up

As I dropped Jill off today at the University for her diploma prep course, I was taken back to when she was in Kindergarten. I planned to drive her to school and stay and make sure everything was okay for her. I was quickly met with, "No Mom, I can do it myself. I'll be fine."

Same attitude. Different day.

I'm one of those people who now lament, "They grow up way too fast!"

Friday, 22 January 2016

Day 22 Pajama Day

Once a month we have casual day at school - which means no uniforms for kids. We often have a theme to go with it. Today is pajama day. Jill and I were plaid twins so we had to take a picture

Thursday, 21 January 2016

Day 21 Exam Break

Jill and Bobby are in the midst of exams right now. It means driving to the school at odd times and often waiting and waiting. I thought Jill was finished today at 10:30, but it was 11:30, so I had a little time to peruse the school.

She set a goal to get an award for playing multiple sports....she's on her way!

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Day 20 Treadmill Traditions

This is my view every morning these days. Allen has been routinely driving Jill to swimming and so I have developed a morning routine of exercising every morning. I feel like it is making a big difference. I am looking forward to being able to do it outside again in a few months though!

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Day 19 vacuuming

Tonight Bobby learned to use the vacuum. He has never vacuumed before!

Welcome to Canada! It looks like he has it down to a fine art.

Monday, 18 January 2016

Day 18 Chores

We aren't home long enough every evening to do chores - but when I am smart enough I get the kids to do a couple chores each evening.

I have a goal to do something in my house each day to make it a little long as it only takes 15 minutes. That, along with the kids doing a couple chores each makes all the difference.

I had to sneak this photo in of Peirce using the vacuum. He vacuumed all the stairs tonight. Love that kid.

Sunday, 17 January 2016

Day 17 Reunions

Today I was on stake RS business in 13th ward. It was fun to see so many old friends. This is me and Sister Kveta, a lady I used to visit teach about 15 years ago. I used to go there with Jill and she would walk around and touch everything and make me a little crazy. It wasn't really a child friendly house.

Kveta told me she is going to be 99 this year. She is very spry for an almost 99 year old!

I was proud to be a part of her first ever selfie.

Tonight I played the piano at a baptism and one of my former roommates, Rhonda Martin (well, she has a different last name now!) was there. So fun to see her.

Saturday, 16 January 2016

Day 16 Take the tree down?

I have to cheat today. I forgot to take a picture! This one is from the Christmas break.

I still haven't taken it down. I just don't want to yet! I am still feeling a little festive. 

That's ok, right?

I am going with it....and I am singing this in my head:

Day 15 Observations

Our school uses a strong coaching model. We are very purposeful and systematic and a great way to work on professional growth plans. Today was one of those days I got to work on mine. I spent part of the day observing other teachers in the building teach. It was so great! Seeing little things that others do with their students is very inspiring. The professional and generosity they show makes me want to do better. It was a great day today!

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Day 14 Driving Driving Driving

Poor Allen. This morning he drove Jill to swimming and sat in the car dozing and listening to the radio. When it was time to go, he realized he had drained battery. So he called me to come rescue them.

Driving to The Talisman at 7:30 am is no simple process. I got to school just a couple minutes before I had to be out on supervision....which meant I was rather ill-prepared for the day.

Poor me.

Then after school we had to do it again because one vehicle was still down there.

Nothing like adding a good two hours extra driving to your day.

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Day 13 Marking, Marking, Marking

I really don't mind marking. I just wish I really had enough time to enjoy it!

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Day 12 Grade 3 Book Club

My favorite day of the month is when I get to go to ULS and pick up books for Grade 3 book club. There's nothing like a bag full of multiple copies of a book. It is symbolic of great discussions just waiting to happen!

I love this place. ULS! They give us a discount when we buy multiple copies of books. I should get a summer job there. Imagine being able to hang out in this warehouse? 

Monday, 11 January 2016

Day 11 The Rest of the Story

I love this story. It is a legend about six blind men. They are trying to discover and describe what an elephant is like. One feels the trunk and declares the elephant is like a snake. Another the side and declares the elephant is like a wall. Another says the knee means the elephant is like a tree. Another feels the ear and says the elephant is like a fan. The story ends declaring that although each is partly right, all are in the wrong.

The lesson is the importance of understanding the rest of the story. 

I had someone today tell me quite emphatically that I have been mean and unkind to someone they care about. I was quit taken back. If I was mean, I never intended to be. Sorry that they felt this way, I asked how this conclusion was made. What followed was a few stories with only partial truths. As t conversation continued I realized that the problem really wasn't with me, even though ther are thi I can do to try to work on the problem. I realized, however, that there has be much more going to that I was aware of. Seeing much more of the picture was quite a revelation. It explained much.

Th each of us were partly right, all were wrong.

Sunday, 10 January 2016

Day 10 Not Knowing Beforehand

The scripture I am focusing on this week is 1 Nephi 4:6 from the Book of Mormon.

I chose this scripture because I have been thinking about how important it is to led the spirit guide. I am a planner and always plan with a lot of detail. Often, being willing to throw a plan out the window and "follow your gut" can bring about beautiful experiences.

It's not that I want to focus on throwing out plans, but rather to being sensitive to the times when there I something more important to the plan.

Saturday, 9 January 2016

Day 9 2016 Kick Off

I love going to the kick off each year. 
We are really positioned to win!!

Friday, 8 January 2016

Day 8

Chico.....sometimes he' so cute!
And sometimes he' so bad.

But then again, aren't we all.

Thursday, 7 January 2016

Day 7

One of the great things about my job is the enthusiasm I'm around. You might groan when you wake up in the morning and find it is snowing. For kids, it is fun!

I got 'em working today:

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Day 6

No picture today.

I wanted to take one at the meeting I went to tonight. I was just called into the stake RS presidency. I was embarrassed to ask though and just didn't.

Record broken already.

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Day 5

Tonight Bobby had a basketball game. I am really enjoying watching these games. I love basketball.

Tonight they played St. Francis. It was a close most of the time - until the beginning of the fourth quarter. St. Francis got ahead by 10 points and they just couldn't make it up. St. Francis definitely deserved the win. Everyone played great though. Great game!

Monday, 4 January 2016

Day 4 Back to School

Have I ever mentioned how much I love this place?! It's time to get back at it!

Sunday, 3 January 2016

Day 3 - Cushions

This year, for Christmas, Grandma made us some cushions from shirts that Papa used to wear. Pretty cool present! We will really enjoy and cherish them.

Saturday, 2 January 2016

Day 2 Picture Challenge - Airport Pick Up

Pretty artsy eh?

Tonight we went to the airport to pick up the owners of the pets that Peirce has been pet-sitting. Allen knows her from his gym. Her name is Zara. There was a dog named Draco, two cats and a bearded dragon. At first he was really on me to get him a bearded dragon - coolest pet ever. The pet-sitting turned out well worth it because over time he decided he didn't like the dragon quite so much. Phew!!

He sure enjoyed Draco though! Peirce got a ukele for Christmas and whenever he'd play Draco would sing along. So funny.

Friday, 1 January 2016

365 Photo Challenge! Day 1!

My friend, Jeni, is doing a challenge where she posts a photo every day. I decided I am going to join her! Usually I have to think about these things for a while before I jump in - but it is Jan 1.....good day to start! Thank you Jeni for the idea!! I need to take pictures more often, and I want to be a better here goes!

Not a great picture, for sure. But it is all I took! I will get better :)

Today we had 20 people for dinner!! Three wonderful families that I love so much: The NAckroyds, the Letourneaus, and Virginia and Caly Layton, along with her friend, Jason. 

Sometimes I feel stressed before a big house full of people. I need to remember that these people do not stress me out. They are all so kind and non-judgmental, and gentle. ...And they are kind of quiet! I like that :)