Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Would you drink from the spring if you could live forever?

In my Gr. 3 class we have been reading a book called Tuck Everlasting. There is a spring that a familiy has drank from that has caused them to live forever. We talked about whether or not we would drink from the spring. I loved everyone's thoughtful answers!

* I would drink the water because then you would get to learn to do everything.

* I would drink the water because I could give some to my fmaily and we would live forever.

* I would not because people would recognize you and they will ask you questions

* Yes, I would drink the water because I can not be hurt by natural disasters

* I would drink the spring water because I love to live forever!

* Yes, because I don't want to go through the pain of dying

* I wouldn't because I would be lonely and my family would be gone

* I would not because I would never change but I could do everything but if I did I would have nothing to do because it's already done.

* I wouldn't drink it because my family would die and I'd be all alone

* I would drink the water whne I am 33 because I would have kids.

* I would drink the water because I would want to live forever.

* I would not drink the water because I want to die.

* I would not because it is like having to move to a different place every year

* I would not drink the water because then people could find out and the world would get bigger

* I would drink the water because living forever will let you leran how to do anything

* I would drink the water if other people had to.

* I would drink it because I would live forever and never get hurt.

* I would not drink the water because I want to know what heaven looks like

* I would drink the water because I would have forever to do whatever I want.

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