Friday, 4 July 2014

More Swimming Day 7 of of my 51 Days of Summer

More time at the pool today. Jill's goal has been to get a National time. Today she missed it in her 50 fly by .05. A heartbreaker! She got 30.45 and needed 30.40. The crying is finished though and we are on to tomorrow. Good thing for cell phone plans that allow for a good long talk with dad, and for aunts who know the right things to say (you're so you know how much work it takes and that you can do it) and do (frozen yogurt run definitely necessary!) Even though she hasn't accomplished all she'd hoped to so far, she has taken time off every race - and so she keeps moving in the right direction. That is big!

Peirce has started his job at the stampede. I'm so proud of him! Allen says he is eager and motivated. He gets up and gets himself ready and wants to go early. If only we could bottle that and spread it out over the school year!

I'm having a lovely time reading and visiting with other swim club parents. I'm totally ok with waiting around at the pool! It is interesting to see how people spend their time. Some really follow the heat sheets and track all the kids races (great team players!) Others are becoming masters of Candy Crush. iPads and iPhones abound. All I know, is there is a LOT of waiting around time. Gotta do something!

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