Saturday, 27 September 2014

Apple Sauce!

Lots going on today. In between swim practices and the football game I got some applesauce made. This little press is an amazing thing!! I borrowed it from a lady at church. I think I need to get one. You can make amazing applesauce with even the smallest crab apples! It separates all the seeds and skin and core and you just get the sauce. I have always thought I should ask people in our neighbourhood if I could pick their trees. So many of them just bag up the apples and throw them out. Next year I will!!

They weren't very big apples. I just quartered them. I didn't try to core them at all.

Boil them to soften the apples.

Put it through the press.

Beautiful applesauce!!

I froze some and processed some. I will use it for baking....but it is delicious enough to just eat by itself too. Love it!!

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