Monday, 26 December 2016

Boxing Day

Today was another day of visiting. We drove to Lethbridge and visited with Brad and Jill for a bit - but I forgot to take any pictures!  Oops.

We spent the afternoon visiting at the Letourneaus. It was a great visit.

Letourneau's dogs (Leo and..?) are some of our favorite "people" to visit with. 

Teenage talk with Zoe, Soleil, Peirce and Jill. 

Gil, Jeremy, Sarah, Golden and Jill loved the challenge of this game. 

Jill and Gil and Peirce spending some quality building time together. 

They figured out that if you place your face a little higher in the hole, you can get the whip cream right in your mouth. I was so proud of them for their innovation. 

All this visiting can be exhausting....and these dogs are just so nice. 

More  resting. 

I think they're trying to get hit now. 

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