Friday, 1 June 2018

Day 18/528

Hi Everyone! 

It's been so crazy here at the Missionary Trainging Centre but I finally had time to write an email about my whole experience!! It's hard to remember to three weeks ago because every day here is very full! But I'll try my best :) 

It was so fun to go from the Airport with my cousin who just got home from her mission! I tried to get a little wisdom out of her, but she was just trying to go back to speaking English! I was supposed to get here around 3:00 and her flight landed at 1:00! So we had to pack  3 years of quality time into two hours! I think we were successful!

Once I got here they just THROW you into the thick of things! You don't even get to put your suitcases away right away, you just set them down and go straight to class! We learned a lot during the first week about adjusting to missionary life and about the most fundamental ideas that we're going to be teaching! That was so awesome! We focused almost entirely on teaching about Jesus Christ and connecting any ideas that we teach to him. So you can imagine that was a really uplifting and inspiring week! 

My companion from my first two weeks is so awesome! She is from the Dominican Republic! Her name is Hermana Feliz and she's going to be serving in the Priesthood Restoration Site in Pennsylvania. She's the first one in her family to serve a mission, so it's been awesome to hear her motivations. The funnest part about her is... WE HAVE THE SAME BIRTHDAY!!! We were so shocked when we learned that!!  

I met a bunch of people who are serving in Calgary! and even some who are from Calgary so that was fun! Keep your eyes open for Sister Ichimi and Elder Salerno! 

I'm trying to think of a funny story to share with you guys but all I can come up with is a tramatic experience Sister Feliz and I had! She left her retainer on her tray for lunch and it got thrown in the trash!! So we looked through the garbage for like half an hour... But this manager of the Cafeteria came and helped us the whole time! He was wearing like a dress shirt but he like dove right in and ended up finding it!! 

I'm already all out of Pday time so I'll have send more stories and adventures from France! that will be much more interesting anyways haha! Sometime life here is just Class, food, repeat... But honestly I can't complain about that!! Can't wait to hear back about how life is where you are!! 

Soeur Ackroyd 

PS if you didn't watch the BE ONE fireside, STOP WHAT YOU'RE DOING AND GO WATCH IT ❤

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