Friday 23 December 2022

Crying in Safeway

 One thing about Allen is that he loves to give gifts. He really is a true Santa Claus. 

Today we went to give a gift to one of our favorite cashiers at Safeway. He always talks to all the cashiers and knows them and that's how he got to know her. We have another connection because I taught her daughter in grade 3. A few years ago her husband died suddenly and we often wonder what we can do to help them as they work through the loss of their dad and husband. Allen had bought a gift card to a restaurant and we went through her till. He placed it on the belt, along with the groceries we were buying. She started to ring in our items and then she froze and looked up at us. "You didn't have to do that," she said. Allen told her he knew, but he wanted to...and Merry Christmas and all that. That's when her tears started...and so did mine.

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