Saturday, 23 April 2016

Day 114 Fernie Meet

Every April, for years, we have been going out to Fernie for a swim meet. It is a really fun weekend because they plan team building activities along with the swimming. The kids all hang out all afternoon, checking out Fernie and having fun together. Saturday night they have a pizza party and games night. This just may be our last time going to this great event. I will miss it. I found myself wondering how I could get a vacation in Fernie once we no longer have this tradition. It is a beautiful place!

A few years ago we had some parent discord in the club. It was then that I discovered the Fernie library (had to get away from the angst!)  It has become one of my favorite places to spend a little time. It is a beautiful building! It does my soul well to hang out there. I'll be forever grateful for those tough years in the club because I found a real treasure because of it!

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