Sunday 30 August 2009

The Enormous Egg by Oliver Butterworth

This is a cute little story about a boy named Nate Twitchell that lives in New Hampshire on a farm. He has a hen that lays an enormous egg - and it turns out a dinosaur hatches out of it. I read this book to my Grade 2 class more than ten years ago and I knew they really enjoyed it, so I decided I'd find it for Peirce since he's kind of interested in dinosaurs lately.

It's kind of a long book to read out loud. There are long descriptions that could be easily skipped. However, Peirce didn't seem to mind. We even had a lot of good conversations about what this word means and what that word means, and how could this or that happen. The setting might mean a little more to a kid in the USA that is more familiar with US geography - but we fared okay.

The dinosaur hatches (a triceratops actually) and soon a scientist from a museum comes to see about this dinosaur. He befriends the family and helps them look after it. Eventually the dinosaur becomes way too big to manage on their little farm. He grows exponentially and his appetite is tremendous. They take him to Washington, DC but run into a few problems there with traffic and Senators and such. Nate ends up having to plead for the Senator to not order his dinosaur killed and stuffed.....and thanks to a strange twist of events, ends up speaking from his heart on TV. The people listening, of course, comes through, and Mr. Beazley is saved.

What was fun about this story was that it's just the kind of stuff kids love. Peirce could totally relate to the possibility of raising a dinosaur. So cute!

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