Tuesday 5 June 2012

Writing and and Reading and the 2012-2013 School Year

I am still waiting to hear if I will have a position again next year. I am keeping my fingers crossed!! I sure have loved teaching, this school, the kids, and the people I work with. I love the grade I've been working in too. I've felt more confident this year, but I sure am not counting my chicks until they're hatched.

That being said, I have made plans to do things based on the idea that I will be teaching. For example, my principal asked if I wanted to attend a workshop next fall. I was so thrilled when I looked into what it was all about!!

The Kaleidoscope Conference celebrates literature created for children and young adults and the interpretation of this literature through media, performance and illustration. This celebration aims to heighten the awareness and appreciation of the creative processes through interaction with authors, illustrators, publishers, producers and performers. The inspiration received by participants enhances their experience of this literature and in turn that of colleagues and the children with whom they have contact.

Doesn't it just sound heavenly??! And you should see the list of authors!! Yowza!!  It's full days of authors talking about getting kids excited about reading. I decided I am going to read as many books as possible by those authors prior to the conference. Can't wait!! I have a long long list of books to dive into. I have just taken the first one out of the library and it is next on my TBR pile. This summer I plan to do LOTS of reading. Sounds so delightful!!

Also, I found an author who is doing a virtual writing workshop this summer for teachers. It is going to be amazing! It actually started yesterday and I won't be able to participate too much until school is over - but I'm keeping an eye on it. You might say, slowly warming up to the idea. :) She has stuff going on every day and it looks very inspiring. I think it will be good to experience a little of what my student's go through as they learn to write - besides the fact, I just like the idea of trying to immerse myself in more writing. You can read about the workshop here.

If I don't get a position next year and don't get to attend Kaleidoscope.....oh the pain!! It will hurt. Alas though, I know what is best is what will work out. I trust that God has a good plan for me. I just hope it coincides with what I want right now! :)_

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