Friday 19 December 2008

I Am A Taxi (Deborah Ellis)

You've got to read this book. Every Deborah Ellis book I've read has caused me to marvel at the lives some children live in our world today! This book was no different.

This book is set in Bolivia. It's about a boy whose parents are wrongfully put in prison and so he grows up in jail. If they didn't live in the jail with their parents they'd be homeless. In those prisons the people PAY for their cells and luckily, they have children. Kids can leave the prison and so he earns money as a "taxi" (or what we'd refer to as a courier). His friend, however, convinces him to run away with him to work for some men. It turns out they men are in the business of cocaine manufacturing. The kids are enslaved and exploited. The experience of reading this book has left a deep impression on me!

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