Tuesday 17 February 2009

The 100th Day of School

Today was the 100th Day of School (a little disturbing...that means 100 days have gone by and I still haven't followed up on my plan to go to the gym every day once my kids were both in school!)

They were supposed to bring a collection of 100 somethings. Peirce first gathered up some magnets...which was really cool. He also wanted to do a sheet with 10 circles that had 10 beads in each circle. We decided to add a few things....and next thing you new we had this hugely packed paper. He was especially proud of the fact that that sure wasn't a waste of paper!

They were supposed to dress up as a 100 year old person....so Peirce borrowed Jill's beard from her Halloween costume.

Peirce was supposed to bring cheese and crackers....so we cut the cheese into 1's and 0's so everyone could have a hundred!

100th day of school games!

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