Thursday 30 May 2013

100 Year Celebration Open House

Peirce's school is 100 years old. Tonight they had a centennial open house. What a celebration it was! They had displays all over the school - a museum of sorts. The children have been doing a lot of learning about King George, Calgary's history, and the history of their school. They've painted, made videos, sculptures, and written reports. Tonight they had a man who seemed like a historian of sorts speak and show a slide show of interesting historical facts. We learned so much! They must have advertised as they had LOTS of people show up who were alumni of the school. One man, a veteran in a wheelchair, even showed up who was the principal there in the 40s. They encouraged the alumni to write down memories and they even had someone in a classroom interviewing the alumni who were willing, to record their stories and memories. It was amazing!

Peirce got to share his presentation again as well.

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