Sunday 10 August 2008

Flip Flops

What’s something that used to be good but now is lame? Sugar snacks!
What’s something that used to be lame but now is good? Vegetables
What’s something you used to feel strongly about, but are now ambivalent about? Kids watching TV
What’s something you used to feel ambivalent about, but now have strong feelings about? Life Insurance (sounds lame I know...but if you knew how many people are ripped off by buying insurance products that have savings attached.....eesh!)
What’s something you used to dislike but now love? Steamed Milk!


Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn,

Love your blog, I enjoy reading it and keeping slightly abreast of what is happening.

Keep up the good work

Love you all

Dawn said...

Thanks! Glad you've been reading it. :0)