Monday 15 December 2008

Witches by Roald Dahl

We finally finished this! I've been amazed that Peirce has stuck with this book...but he has loved it. I wrote about this book before when we listened to it on tape. You can read that post here. My feelings on Roald Dahl haven't changed that much. However, I'm amazed at how much Peirce has loved his books! While I was reading he'd often say, "I love this part." I am surprised at how much he still enjoys repetition. Lately if I don't tell him it's bedtime by 8:00 or so he'll say, "Are we going to read tonight?!" His internal clock seems to know when it's time to read. I love reading with him. I wish we had more time for reading together!


Gilly said...

Good for Pierce! My kids couldn't stand to even watch Charlie and the Chocolate factory or Matilda - I've never read wtiches though. Sounds interesting.

Dawn said...

I was pretty sure I'd damaged his poor little's got some scary stuff in that book! But somehow it didn't bother him. I think he just loves being read to!

Alysha Sladek said...

is that the same as the scary movie????? i love that you went to the rally! that's awesome.

Dawn said...

Yes...and I thought the book had some parts that would scare a kid...but he didn't seem to phased by it. Strange.

The rally was a good experience too. I'm glad we went!