Saturday, 11 December 2010

Hardly a Sacrifice!

So, I've decided there are two things I need to do every morning: exercise and study. I am too hit and miss with these things lately. Part of the problem is I plan to do it later in the day, but the day gets busy and late and then I don't get it done. I decided today is the day! I was the driver for the car pool to swim practise today. I decided I wouldn't even go into the pool - instead I'd go for a walk first, and then go inside and find a quiet table somewhere to read my scriptures, and study. What a wonderful morning!! This was where I walked. It was funny that this morning I was thinking about how I need to make this sacrifice to do these things each day, and as I walked along the river I was so struck with how beautiful everything was. that I had to take a quick snapshot with my cell phone camera. The walk wasn't a sacrifice at all!! I hope I can remember that on those early weekday mornings!


Monica said...

Have I told you, I find your blog very inspiring? thank you!!

Dawn said...

Why Thank you Monica! :0)