Sunday 23 January 2011

Teaching Children to Feel and Recognize the Spirit

I love love love teaching. Often I sit back and can't believe I get the chance again to be a teacher. I love it. I think I love teaching the gospel to kids more though. Primary is the best place to be!
Primary theme for this year is I Know The Scriptures Are True. Today in primary we talked about all the ways we learn. I had something for each of the senses. Each thing was

Sight: binoculars (We looked through the binoculars to see how cool things look)
Smell: vinegar (They thought the vinegar was water...and I said, "Ah yes! But sometimes we need our nose to help us learn" and I had them all smell what looked like water....they were quite surprised to smell the vinegar!)
Touch: Cotton balls
Sound: My cell phone went off!
Taste: I had some oranges in a container and had someone come up and taste it without seeing it and then describe it to everyone (should have had an orange piece for everyone....if I were doing this again I would do that!)

Then I told them that we can also learn with our heart. We read Morni 10:3-5 and talked about how we feel the spirit. I told them that that is probably the most important way that we learn. We talked about how the spirit feels and I told them that when I was in primary I learned that if I was reverent and did my best to sing the songs well and listen to what people were teaching I felt the spirit and that they could do that too. I told them that the Holy Ghost only has one job (unlike all of us!) and that is to testify of truth. Whenever we hear things that are true He will confirm it for us. Someone asked how he does that and I told them I didn't know how - but it is probably like the sun. We can all see the sun and there's only one sun - but many people can feel the warmth from the at the same time, and the Holy Ghost somehow can do that too.

One wonderful little boy said, "I can feel it right now!"

I told him I could too and probably other people could - and that we could feel it every week at church and other places too if we do the things we need to.

It was so great!!

Yup. I love teaching primary.

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