Friday 1 December 2006

Shhhhhhhhh!!! Can you hear that??! It's so quiet!!

No school today for Jill. We were out of the house at the regular time though because we had a parent-teacher interview to get to. We did that, visited the book fair (yet another fundraiser?? Ugh!....I'll have to blog my thoughts on fundraising another time), and then did a few errands. We ran from one end of the city to the other. When we finally got it all finished it was 11:00. I had promised the kids if they were patient and good while doing errands we'd go through the drive-thru at McD's - and so we did. I was really on a roll to make this a majorly productive day - and then it got better!! When we got home Allen was getting ready for a quick road trip to Lethbridge to see a couple clients. He decided to take the kids along - and after a whirlwind effort at packing toys and books and writing utensils for travel entertainment as well as a few snacks, they were all gone!! It's been so quiet here all afternoon!! When I'm left alone I go through a series of emotions. First I feel a rush of glee...then I get a little panicked feeling as I consider what would be the best way to use the time...and then as I check things off my list I get a rush of euphoria.

I've been working like a mad woman and taking breaks here and there to do a few thing around the house. It's amazing how much one can accomplish when you're not interrupted with DVD emergencies, or having to find the remote control yet again or pieces missing to a puzzle or game, not to mention the seemingly incessant need for snacks or stories or something else! I love being a mom...but gee, I sure love being alone now and then!

Now I think I'm going to go do a few more errands. I'm going to just walk out to that van and get in and go. Don't have to remind anyone to tie their shoes, do up their coat, put on their seatbelt - and I can listen to whatever radio station I want to!!

Ah! The simple pleasures in life.

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