Saturday 26 July 2008

Grandma Camp

This week is Grandma Camp. My kids have been waiting for this all summer. My amazing mother spends a week with all the grandkids. The kids plan the menu and she goes grocery shopping with them all (I think that alone deserves an award!) She plans outings and crafts. She has worked on this all year - and the kids have looked forward to it all year too.

I drove them down to Grandma's this morning and then drove back in the afternoon. I had planned to go to the temple in the afternoon but I had some shoppers flake on me and so I had to hurry home and do some work (grrrr!) I did, however, have a marvelous time driving back by myself. It isn't often that I'm alone (well, alone with Chico) for that period of time. I had some great thinking time and time listening to books on CD. It was very good for my soul!

I got home and found some new shoppers for the outstanding shops relatively quickly. Then I decided I'd clean up the house since it will most likely stay relatively clean all week. I love to clean the house and then just sit and look at it stay clean. Usually that only lasts a few hours (or until everyone gets home)...but this week that should be a little different.

I'm quite excited about this week. I plan to go to aquacize every day, walk every day, do yoga every day, do some major organizing in my house, and a ton of reading. Makes me feel great just thinking about it! :0)

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