Wednesday 27 July 2011

What are you reading?

The average book club member reads 36 books per year. Only 12 of those are book club selections. (The average American reads 5 books per year.)

(Interesting facts from Book Movement:

This summer I planned to do a ton of reading. While I have done a fair bit, I don't think I am really taking advantage of my free time this summer enough. Time to get reading a heck of a lot more (and less iPad!)


The Lawlor's said...

I just started the Harry Potter series. I know, I has taken me way too long.

I am used to reading Steeple Hill books (the Love Inspired Suspense)and they are easy reads so it is taking me a bit longer than normal to read HP because of all the detail.

Dawn said...

I still haven't read all those either! So many little time!

marcella said...

I love reading - it's hard to believe people read so few books. I've gotten addicted to free Kindle books lately - there are so many of them and I've found some pretty good ones. You can never be bored with a good book around.